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building traffic中文是什么意思

用"building traffic"造句"building traffic"怎么读"building traffic" in a sentence


  • 工地交通


  • Here ' s a simple way to use " no results , no pay " radio advertising and build traffic for your website
  • Obtained the information , we can analysis traffic data , build traffic model and optimize traffic network
  • This paper ' s research direction are include how to gather the traffic ' s information and how to build traffic model and optimize traffic network use traffic information gathered before
  • This system have follow functions : gathering traffic information , building traffic model use traffic information , selecting arithmetic to optimize the traffic network
  • The fourth part , through the analysis af - the influences on the traffic system by hilly landform and comparing traditional hilly traffic system with the modem one , from the aspects of the building traffic system and - the connection between the building system and the hilly cities ones , the thesis relates the features of the hilly tall building traffic system and the issues which could be faced
用"building traffic"造句  
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